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Privacy Policy

Information on the processing of your personal data

In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter referred to as “Regulation”), we hereby inform you by means of this document about the processing of your personal data in our organization.

1. Who is the administrator of your data?

The administrator of your personal data is the Centre of Administration and Operations of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS), with ID 60457856, located at Národní 3, Prague 1, 110 00, tel.: +420 221 403 111, email:

2. How can you contact our data protection officer?

You can contact our data protection officer with your requests, inquiries, or comments at the address: Centre of Administration and Operations of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Audit and Risk Management Unit – GDPR Representative, Národní 3, Prague 1, 110 00, or via email:

3. What type of personal data do we process and why?
I. Registration form located on the website

Your personal data such as university degree, first name, last name, workplace affiliation, email address, your competition entry, title of entry, and entry description are processed for the purpose of organizing the “Věda fotogenická” (hereinafter referred to as “Photogenic Science”) contest, i.e., for the purpose of your identification, the processing of your competition entry, and possibly for the purpose of contacting you, on the legal basis of “contract performance” according to Article 6(1)(b) of the Regulation.

II. User account of the contest participant

In order to facilitate access to your competition entries, we offer all contest participants a user account, as part of which we process your access credentials: username and password, on the legal basis of “contract performance” according to Article 6(1)(b) of the Regulation.

III. Publication of personal data
a) For the purpose of public online voting as part of the Photogenic Science contest

As part of the organization of the Photogenic Science contest, your submitted competition entries will be published on social media platforms (the Facebook profile of the CAS and the Instagram profile of the Photogenic Science contest) for the purpose of public voting (voting for best photo of the year, competition for the best drawing/illustration). Along with the competition entries, your first name, last name, workplace affiliation, and the title of the competition entry will also be published.

b) For the purpose of publishing the competition results

If your competition entry is selected for the semifinal round or receives an award / places in any of the competition categories, it will be published on the Photogenic Science contest website, including entry title, description, competition year, award(s), along with your additional personal data including university degree, first name, last name, workplace affiliation. The competition entry may also be published on the website of the CAS and on the social media profiles of the contest and of the CAS.

c) For the purpose of publishing the competition entry as part of the calendar of the Czech Academy of Sciences

If your competition entry is selected for the semifinal round, the expert jury may choose it to be included in the calendar of the CAS. The following personal data will be published in this calendar: the contribution, its title, description, category of the competition entry, award(s), university degree of the author, first name and last name of the author, and workplace affiliation.

d) For the purpose of publishing the competition entry as part of the Photogenic Science exhibition

If your competition entry is selected for the semifinal round, the expert jury may choose it to be included among the entries made accessible to the public at an exhibition hosted by the administrator at the premises of the Science and Art Gallery at the CAS, Národní 3, 110 00, Prague 1, or alternatively, as part of a traveling exhibition at other locations in the Czech Republic. For this purpose, the following personal data will be published: the contribution, its title, description, category of the competition entry, university degree of the author, first name and last name of the author, and workplace affiliation.
The aforementioned processing purposes represent the processing of personal data necessary for compliance with the competition rules, i.e., for the “contract performance” according to Article 6(1)(b) of the Regulation and your explicit consent is not required.

e) For the purpose of making the competition results accessible to the public at the exhibition opening night

Please note that photos and audiovisual recordings will be taken for reporting purposes at the opening night of the exhibition of awarded competition entries, based on the legitimate interest of the administrator according to Article 6(1)(f) of the Regulation, i.e., without your explicit consent. The legitimate interest of the administrator in this case is to inform the public about the competition results. The photos and audiovisual recordings will be published on the contest website, on the website of the CAS, as well as on social media platforms, namely the profiles of the contest, the CAS, and the Science and Art Gallery. Whole this processing of personal data based on our legitimate interest does not require your consent, you have the absolute right to object to this processing at any time.

f) For the purpose of worldwide free use of the competition entry, in all known ways, under the non-exclusive license granted by you

As part of this stipulation, your personal data such as university degree, first name, last name, workplace affiliation, your competition entry, its title, description, competition year, and any awarded award(s) will be processed in accordance with the rules of the Photogenic Science contest, on the legal basis of “contract performance” according to Article 6(1)(b) of the Regulation, as well as in accordance with relevant legal regulations governing the exercise of copyright.

For the purpose of promoting competition entries via third-party communication channels – partner institutions

In the event of our collaboration with a partner legal entity, your competition entries, along with your personal data including university degree, first name, last name, workplace affiliation, and the title and description of the competition entry, will also be published through the communication channels of these partner institutions (e.g., on their website, newsletter, etc.):

- Vědavý, s.r.o., Řehořova 932/27, Praha 3 - Žižkov, 130 00, IČ: 062 26 655

for the purpose of promoting your competition entry and promoting the Photogenic Science contest project, only with your consent to such processing pursuant to Article 6(1)(a) of the Regulation.

h) For the purpose of promoting the Photogenic Science contest project on the YouTube platform

For the creation and publication of a short promotional video of the Photogenic Science contest project on the YouTube platform, we will process your photo and/or other personal data in the audiovisual recording, only with your consent to such processing pursuant to Article 6(1)(a) of the Regulation.

i) For the purpose of promoting the Photogenic Science contest project, publishing your personal data in the “Stories” section on the contest website

For the promotion of the Photogenic Science contest project, more detailed information about the creation of your competition entry will be published in the “Stories” section on the contest website This information may include your personal data, your photo, as well as university degree, first name, last name, workplace affiliation, award(s), title of the competition entry, and its description, only with your consent to such processing of personal data pursuant to Article 6(1)(a) of the Regulation.

4. Duration of personal data processing

The aforementioned data will be processed for the duration of the Photogenic Science contest project. Exceptions to this rule include:

– exhibitions of selected competition entries, where the processing period of personal data is limited to the duration of the exhibition, including traveling exhibitions;

– due to the nature of the matter in question the permanent publication of personal data (calendar, publication of certain posts on social media, publication of reports about the opening night and exhibition, publication of promotional videos on YouTube);

– publication in media outlets, communication channels, platforms, social media, and periodic or non-periodic publications under the non-exclusive license granted by you for the free use of the competition entry, for the duration of copyright.

5. Additional Provisions
I. Transfer of personal data to recipients outside the EU/EEA

The administrator does not intend to transfer your personal data to third countries or international organizations located outside the EU/EEA.

II. Automated processing of personal data

Within the processing of your personal data by the administrator, automated processing is not conducted, including profiling within the meaning of Article 4 of the Regulation.

6. Who are the recipients of your personal data?

We only transfer your personal data to the following categories of recipients to the extent necessary:

– authorized employees of the administrator;

– our contractual partners if they also participate in the processing of your personal data (i.e., processors), such as persons providing technical support, service, or operation of our computer systems, programs, networks, and websites, data storage providers;

– other entities in cases where the provision of your data is required by law (e.g., the Police of the Czech Republic, other public authorities);

7. What are your rights?

You have the right to:

– request confirmation from the administrator regarding the processing of your personal data, and if processed, you have the right to access this data;

– correct outdated or incomplete data;

– erase personal data concerning you and/or restrict their processing;

Furthermore, you have the right to:

– lodge a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Office located at Pplk. Sochora 27, Prague 7, 170 00, email:;

– data portability;

– withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data at any time if the processing of personal data is based on such consent. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing data based on granted consent before its withdrawal.

06.05. 2024